
MT Security Strong Corporate Structure

We believe in doing what’s right for our customers and colleagues and the environment to build up and maintain a world of work which is free from harm. At MT Security we articulate this by taking strong and firm decisions within our corporate structure through Good Management of Health, Safety and Environment which is most important in our businesses to deliver operational excellence and outstanding customer service.

MT Security Management

Our Management Team, with the support from our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Committee & Team provides the leadership, direction and support to ensure that:
●Our Security Guards provide visible safety leadership and engage with customers to instil safe behaviours and create a strong safety culture.
●Our Colleagues have the tools and training to enable them to do their job safely and meeting environmental commitment, empowered to make the right decisions, first time and every time about their safety.
●All the health safety and environment impact and risks are identified, understood, evaluated and controlled by adopting best practice in all our work procedures.
●Health safety and environmental (greenhouse gas emissions and reduction of waste production) performance are establish, measured and publicly reported, where there are significant in our operations.
●We act on what we learn to continually improve our health and safety performance.
●As we develop our services, and improving our existing practices, we will at the same time seek to further limit our environmental impact and to help our customers to operate with more sustainability.

Our Members

MT Security Services Corporate Members

Explore Our Staff Training & Assessment

We conduct different trainings to our staff prior for them carrying out their first operational duties as General Duties | Reporting and Record Keeping | Patrolling | Fire Safety and Fire Fighting.
We do frequent assessment on our staff quality to ensure they are always fit for the task given, and they will all be well equipped with proper attire.

General Security Guards

Guards Checking & Training

General Security Guards

Guards Checking & Training

General Duties Guards

Guards Briefing & Attire Checking

General Duties Guards

Guards Briefing & Attire Checking

General Security Guards

Guards Checking & Training

Male Guard Staff Attire

Male Guards Attire According To PPKKM

General Duties Guards

Guards Briefing & Attire Checking

General Duties Guards

Guards Checking & Training

General Security Guards

Guards Checking & Training

General Security Guards

Guards Checking & Training

General Duties Guards

Guards Briefing & Attire Checking

Female Guard Staff Attire

Female Guards Attire According To PPKKM